pic wi went silent

Pic Wi was an over thinker. His mind raced and interweaved like a bowl of radioactive spaghetti. It felt impossible to find a moment’s peace. Just when a decision appeared on the horizon of his cortex landscape, it would be swallowed back into the quicksand tumbles of his overthinking.

“I thought it was the right decision. The pay would be good, could make some connections, but I know it’s not what I want to do. I think I would be exhausted, miserable. I always have been when I took similar posts in the past.” 

“I thought we talked this already,” Lih responded. And exhausted the possibilities, he thought to himself. 

“We did. I just don’t know if it’s better to hold off. To say no. To try and build up the design work and see if that could turn into something bigger. Or do I take the first, make a lot of money, and use it to fuel the design art? I don’t know which one is right?” Pic Wi gasped, nearly working himself into an exhaustion of tears. 

“Maybe it’s neither,” Lih said cooly, “Maybe they both are the wrong answer.”

And for the first time Lih had ever seen, Pic Wi, and his mind, went silent. 

- b 

November 16, 2020


eloquence of purpose


above these clouds