
When it was hot in the summer, the pool jams started late.

I’d lie wide-eyed in my bed, my thoughts pouncing all over one another, refusing to give me any sense of calm. And then I’d hear it.

Old school style radio pumping beats over the waves. The soothing blend like a watchdog in the night. It coaxed us to sleep saying, don’t worry - I’ll stand guard.
That soft, safe tune from a stranger we’d never know. 

My brothers and sisters and I would stare at the ceiling with that same warmth in our gaze. Wondering about the man on the other side of the fence and if he knew of the children sharing in his songs.

The fence divided us. The music united us. Family of the same block. 

To this day, we never saw each others’ faces. But I will never forget those stifling summer nights, the crowded bedroom with my siblings, and the sweet safety of that radio, giving us permission to fall asleep. 


June 12, 2020


false start

